Tuesday 5 May 2015

Typographic systems - Year 1

Anatomy of Typography
Typeface anatomy describes the graphic elements that make up printed letters in a typeface.

The different systems

Axial system: 
All the elements are organised to the left or right of a single axis.

Bilateral system:
Similar anatomical parts are arranged on opposite sides of a median axis.

Grid system: 
A design made by using a grid.

Transitional system:
This system is a simple system that shows the type as being all together like in a paragraph.

Radial system: 
The radial system is when all the writing in a poster comes off from one point. 

Modular system:
This system type being organised in a was it looks random but yet is organised into different sections.

Random system: 
This system explains its self. Everything is just random it doesn't have a rule to it.

Dilatational system:
This system show that the type in a poster follows a guided line.

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