Wednesday 13 May 2015

Technical information / Psychogeorgraphy - Year 1


ISO and Aperture 

I used a DSLR as one type of lens based imagery.
At first while setting up the camera I just kept in on the medium setting with the aperture at f8 and a ISO of 100 and these photos did not work out as the settings where meant for places light are lighter than places like alleyways.
When setting up my camera after working out what was the best setting I set the ISO to 1600 to give for the low light conditions of the Alleyway. I also set the aperture setting to f5.6 and the shutter speed around 1/5 sec and the flash was not on.

I also used a mobile devise which was an iPhone as another use of lens based imagery.
When using this device you don't need set anything settings up so I just had to make sure I had the light right ans tried taking the picture with the flash on and with the flash off. Also I tried to add effects on the mobile devise as well but these didn't turn out that good so I played with the effects on Photoshop which can be seen in my sketchbook. 

Health & Safety

In this project I used screen printing on a wooden board

Screen printing:

  • When mixing Acrylic with Medium, if Medium get on your hands, wash hands asap.
  • When using the squidgy make sure fingers are out the way.
  • Avoid getting medium on clothes.  
Spray painting was also used onto my wooden board 

Spray painting:

  • Make sure you keep away from eyes.
  • Do not inhale fumes from spray.
  • Wash off asap if spray gets on skin or clothes.

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