Wednesday 13 May 2015

Reproducing my work - Year 1

How would I reproduce work?

If I were to reproduce my work I would use digital photography, this is how I would do it:

This is a technique of taking a photo of your work to reproduce it. The lights are used at a 45 degree angle to the work to decrease the amount of shadows that could be created when taking images of your work. The tri-pod is used so the picture doesn't come out blurry or unfocused. This will insure that the work would be captured and seen to the best it can be. 

Technical information / Psychogeorgraphy - Year 1


ISO and Aperture 

I used a DSLR as one type of lens based imagery.
At first while setting up the camera I just kept in on the medium setting with the aperture at f8 and a ISO of 100 and these photos did not work out as the settings where meant for places light are lighter than places like alleyways.
When setting up my camera after working out what was the best setting I set the ISO to 1600 to give for the low light conditions of the Alleyway. I also set the aperture setting to f5.6 and the shutter speed around 1/5 sec and the flash was not on.

I also used a mobile devise which was an iPhone as another use of lens based imagery.
When using this device you don't need set anything settings up so I just had to make sure I had the light right ans tried taking the picture with the flash on and with the flash off. Also I tried to add effects on the mobile devise as well but these didn't turn out that good so I played with the effects on Photoshop which can be seen in my sketchbook. 

Health & Safety

In this project I used screen printing on a wooden board

Screen printing:

  • When mixing Acrylic with Medium, if Medium get on your hands, wash hands asap.
  • When using the squidgy make sure fingers are out the way.
  • Avoid getting medium on clothes.  
Spray painting was also used onto my wooden board 

Spray painting:

  • Make sure you keep away from eyes.
  • Do not inhale fumes from spray.
  • Wash off asap if spray gets on skin or clothes.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Typographic systems - Year 1

Anatomy of Typography
Typeface anatomy describes the graphic elements that make up printed letters in a typeface.

The different systems

Axial system: 
All the elements are organised to the left or right of a single axis.

Bilateral system:
Similar anatomical parts are arranged on opposite sides of a median axis.

Grid system: 
A design made by using a grid.

Transitional system:
This system is a simple system that shows the type as being all together like in a paragraph.

Radial system: 
The radial system is when all the writing in a poster comes off from one point. 

Modular system:
This system type being organised in a was it looks random but yet is organised into different sections.

Random system: 
This system explains its self. Everything is just random it doesn't have a rule to it.

Dilatational system:
This system show that the type in a poster follows a guided line.

Researching Logo's - Year 1

This is the Pepsi logo. You can see how much it has changed from the year 1905 to now. You can see the very first logo is not a simple as it is now. The first old logo shows a fancy writing that would have been hard to repeat and this might have become a issue as it is such a big brand and this was in 1905 so they would of has as good technology to repeat it like we do in this time. From the first logo you can see the Pepsi logo progressing and having more colour and picture into it. I feel like this logo would have been more recognisable as it has a bottle cap in the logo showing what the product of Pepsi is. After 1950 you can see Pepsi have started to use a lot simpler writing and this would be easier to duplicate but also they have changed it by using simple shapes as well and i think after they start to do this it makes the logo better, more recognisable and simpler. You can now see the logo has become a lot more modern and fresher.


As you can see this is a image showing the progression of the Microsoft Windows logo. It starts off in 1985. You can clearly see that they started off by keeping it simple with 4 different sized rectangles. This does show the logo as being easy but 8 years later it was changed a lot. You can see it gets more complicated. As you can see they added colour and made it more of a graphic image. This sort of theme stays for a matter of years but in the present day changes back to like it was back i 1985 but a lot more fresher and sharp. I think they changed it back as the simple design can be recognised world wide still from that first logo and also from the different logos throughout the years. 

As you can see the apple logo started off as a really complicated and what looks like really old. This would be really had to replicate as how complicated it is as you can see they obviously had a few problems with it as in the same year they changed it to the more recognisable apple sing as their logo. In 1976 the logo was created and after a few months was already changed to a colourful, stripy apple. I don't like the first ever apple logo but after they changed it in the same year i think it improved a lot as i think this would be more easier for people to see and recognise, after this it just gradually got simplified and improved so much more and by just using the simple apple symbol that is easy to reproduce, notice and display. I think the change from 1976 has been a big change but i think this is a good thing as i really like this logo and you can easily see what it is and what they stand for.