Wednesday 10 June 2015

Drug abuse research - Year 1

Article links:

General facts:

  • The average age of first experimentation with drugs is 13, and for alcohol it is even younger. 

  • Over 60 percent of admissions to emergency rooms are either directly or indirectly due to drug or alcohol usage.

  • Over 50 percent of all traffic accidents involve the use of drugs or alcohol, with many of these being fatal.

  • It is estimated that drugs and alcohol are a factor in at least 80 percent of domestic violence incidents.

  • Responses:

    These are images I got from Pinterest when doing research. I like these images as they really shows the horrible effects of the theme 'Drug Abuse' and i think that is important to make people aware of the issue. These graphic images would make people think and they might not want to carry on from seeing things like this. I also like this from the reason u would want my graphic image and poster to show the message these images show. 

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