Monday 22 June 2015

Presentation techniques - Year 1

Some types of presentation techniques: 

  • Flat wall mount 
Work that is mounted directly onto the wall using a simple method, string, wire, sticky pads or velcro.

  • Float mount
This method is one that i good for work with materials like wood and foam board. It is like flat wall mounting but fitted for more 3D work or to make 2D work look more 3D like. 

  • Wire and track hanging system
This method uses strong picture hanging cord or steel wire and a hook so then a piece a work will hang off of that and be displayed.

What presentation technique do I think would suit my work best?

If I were to present my final piece in something like a gallery I think I would use a wire and track hanging system as I think this would show my work clearly. This way it can be shown on a wall in a simple but effective way and I think this would work well compare to come of the other methods. I don't think I would be able to do a flat wall mount with my work and it wouldn't be as stable as my piece is a heavy piece and would be more stable hooked on to the wall instead of being stuck. The float mount would work but adds a shadow effect to a piece as its not fully stuck flat to the wall and the effect that the float mount gives off wouldn't look right with my piece in my opinion. By using the wire hanging system I think it will show my concept good as my work is about a dark place and uses dark colours and if it was to be hung up on a light colour wall like white it would make my work stand out a lot more than if it had a frame or mounting card around it.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Logo screen grabs - Year 1

Drug abuse research - Year 1

Article links:

General facts:

  • The average age of first experimentation with drugs is 13, and for alcohol it is even younger. 

  • Over 60 percent of admissions to emergency rooms are either directly or indirectly due to drug or alcohol usage.

  • Over 50 percent of all traffic accidents involve the use of drugs or alcohol, with many of these being fatal.

  • It is estimated that drugs and alcohol are a factor in at least 80 percent of domestic violence incidents.

  • Responses:

    These are images I got from Pinterest when doing research. I like these images as they really shows the horrible effects of the theme 'Drug Abuse' and i think that is important to make people aware of the issue. These graphic images would make people think and they might not want to carry on from seeing things like this. I also like this from the reason u would want my graphic image and poster to show the message these images show. 

    What is a ident? - Year 1

    An ident is a video identification of a channel that advertises the different programs to an audience by introducing the next program and showing a time schedule of the shows that are coming on. It usually lasts about 10-20 secs and is normally animated creating a target which carries out different elements to specific audiences. These elements inform the audience on what the show contents and who its suited for e.g. (channel 4 often have programs based off realism such as gangs, crimes and e.t.c which would usually show in their idents)

    Dry point etching

    Why is used dry point etching

    For my final piece i chose to use dry point etching as the effect from this technique fits in really well with my theme 'Drug abuse' as I feel like it has a rough effect to it and this is what I wanted for my graphic image.

    What is dry point etching?

    Drypoint etching is a printing process in which a plastic, glass or metal plate is etched with a design, ink is rolled and spread into the etching marks and the plate is pressed to make a printing onto paper.

    What I did...

    1. I etched my design into the plate, which was my hand image.
    2. After that I scrapped the ink onto the plate.
    3. Then Using skrim I removed the excess ink from the plate so that only the design is left.
    4. When i finished that i dampened a sheet of watercolour paper and then to dry the paper off I used blotting paper until the paper was just a bit damp.
    5. Then i placed the inked plate on top of the damp paper and then I rolled that through the printing press.
    6. Finally I carefully removed the paper from the plate. 

    Health and safety:
    • Keep etching tool away from fingers as it has a sharp tip.
    • Wear protective clothing such as gloves and aprons
    • When using the press make sure you keep fingers away incase you trap them in the press.
    • When using the press make sure you use the handle provided. 
    • Clear up excess ink after printing is complete and clear up any spillages caused by dampening paper.

    Limitations of dry point etching:
    • Ink runs when adding extra media like watercolour.
    • Takes a long time to reproduce. 
    • Not every print is the same.