Wednesday 7 October 2015

Joiners / Kevin Meredith

Kevin Meredith's work...

Kevin Merediths work is done by taking separate pictures of people and joining them all up making a joiner effect to his work and kind of linking to the idea of exquisite corpse in the way it is done by sections. I like the look of his work and think it looks and works really well so I have looked into his work and tried to respond to his work in a way that they link but yet are different. I did a shoot outside and one in the studio to see how this would differ. I like how mine have come out. I created these by putting them into photoshop and lining them up to make my separate images into one. If I was to do this again I would try to get the lighting more of the same and accrete. Also if i wanted to use this sort of technique for a final piece I would do this sort of this and just add surreal elements to it in photoshop and I think this would work well. 

       My Responce...

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