Wednesday 11 February 2015

Film processing technical notes - Year 1

How to process your film:

1. Put everything in the dark bag such as- film, scissors, developing tank. Once putting these in the bag and you hands are in make sure no light gets in at all.


2. Once you have started and your hands are in the bag you have to get your negative or negatives out of the canister that it comes in by simply pulling in out. 
3. After this you need to wind you negative onto the white spiral that comes in the developing tank. 
4. Once this is done place the spirals onto the black tube and then place that in the tank. (If you just have one negative film, still put both spirals in but just make sure the spiral with the film in is on the one of the bottom so all the chemicals get to it.)
5.  Now screw the funnel lid on making sure it is really secure. 
6.  Place the lid on the tank making sure it's on well. 
7. Then to pre-soak pour into the tank 300ml of water at 20c(+/- 1c) per film. 
8. Agitate tank by inverting twice , then tap gently to release air bubbles. Allow to stand whilst mixing developer. 
9. To start the development mix 150ml of developer stock solution with 150ml water, per film.
10. Pour out the pre-soak, the pour in the developer and then start timing. 
11. Agitate continuously for the first 30 sec, then invert twice every 30 secs for the remainder of the development time. (The time you do this depends on the type of negatives you have)

  • FP4/Delta 100: 12minutes
  • HP5/Delta 400: 14minutes 
  • Pan F @ 32 ISO: 9minutes 
  • Pan F @ 50 ISO: 10minutes 
12. Now comes the stop bath so at the end of your development time pour the developer away. Replace with 300ml of stop bath solution per film and agitate continuously for 30 seconds.
13. After the stop bath is the fixing stage. Pour in 300ml of working strength fixer per film and agitate continuously for 30secs. Agitate twice every 30secs for a total fixing time of 5mins 
14. Now you have to wash you film by either attaching a wash tube to the tank and leave the water running for about 5-10mins or almost fill the tank with water agitate vigorously for 30secs and pour away. Repeat 12 times. 
15. After washing, fill the tank with water and add a few drips of wetting agent. Soak for approximately 1min, then hang film up in the film dryer.  

Health and safety 
  • Try not to get on skin but if you do make sure you wash it off with water.
  • If chemicals come into contact with eyes make sure you wash it out immediately. 
  • Be very careful when the dark bag is being used as scissors are in the bag and there is a risk of cutting yourself as you cant see whats happening. 

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