Monday 26 January 2015

Cleaning negatives properly - Year 1

When working with negatives you can easily get them dirty with things like finger prints and dust. You can easily get rid of these by cleaning your film to make your outcomes in the dark room the best they can be without marks. 

How to clean your film: 

  1. Place film on a surface where you can clearly see your marks so you know where to clean ( Shinny side up ). Do not clean the matte, none shinny side as you can not get that side wet. 
  2. Get the cleaning brush and brush the negatives lightly to get any unwanted dust off of your negatives. 
  3. Apply about 2-3 drops of the cleaning liquid onto the cloth that you are cleaning the negative with. 
  4. Now very lightly rub the cloth with the cleaning liquid onto the shinny side up negative. Make sure you do not rub it or press down hard whilst cleaning as it does not need it and you don't want to ruin your negatives.
Health and safety:

  • Where gloves when using cleaning liquid incase in gets on hands or incase you get more finger prints on negatives.

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