Hight-key lighting - High-key lighting simply refers to images that are mostly bright, with a range of light tone and whites and not very many blacks or mid-tones. In hight-key photography, tones that generally would have been mid-range become white ans white becomes, well,white. http://www.digital-photo-secrets.com/tip/3558/using-lighting-style-to-create-mood-high-key-and-low-key-lighting/
Studio Health and Safety
- Make sure everyone in studio knows where everything is so chance of tripping up on equipment is reduced as photography take place in a dark room.
- Dont change bulbs.
- Make sure all cables and bags are out the way.
Aperture: f2, f2.8, f4, f5.6, f8, f11, f16, f22, f32
Shutter speed: 1 sec, 1/2 sec, 1/4 sec, 1/8 sec, 1/15 sec, 1/30 sec, 1/60 sec, 1/125 sec